Category > Photography

Photos from Moscow

22 July 2006 » In Photography, Travel » 2 Comments

The photos from the Moscow part of my trip to Russia are now up on the site. It’s taken longer than I expected to process them. This is partly because it was the first time I shot everything in RAW format in order to be able to adjust exposure and white balance easier. An unintended consequence of this decision was that I spent way more time on each photo than I usually do, tweaking things to be just perfect, and doing this for a good portion of 600 photos just takes a while, even with the help of a WhiBal. I’ll have to figure a more streamlined approach to processing.
The photos from St. Petersburg will be coming up a bit later.

Around the world

29 October 2003 » In Photography, Travel » 3 Comments

My friend Joachim is going on a trip around the world. He will travel through Europe (briefly), India (for two months), Southeast Asia (for a month), and will end up in San Francisco some time around the end of February. And he is blogging this experience. I can’t help but feel envious and also wonder at the same time whether I could leave behind a job, sell most of my property, and embark on such a trip. Best of luck to him.


21 August 2003 » In Photography, Travel » No Comments

While on my trip to Europe this summer, I took something like 450 pictures with my digital camera. Not content to put them up as they are and loathe to use one of those one-button-does-it-all photo processing tools, I have been going through them one by one and cleaning them up: adjusting contrast, removing red-eye, doing a bit of touch-up work, etc. It is quite a slow process! I still have 50 or so to go before I can even begin to upload them. And then there is the matter of writing the travel journal from my notes and linking to the pictures…