Upcoming Talks

» 27 February 2009 » In PHP, Talks »

Here’s a breakdown of the talks I will be giving over the next couple of months.

PHP Québec Conference

VIM for (PHP) Programmers

Are you stuck choosing between Komodo, Zend Studio, PHPEdit, or Eclipse as your next IDE? Did you just come to Unix from Windows and wonder how to translate your “1337” Notepad skills to the new platform? Have you pulled out most of your hair struggling to make your current editor do something more complicated than proper indentation? Or do you feel that perhaps you use only 5% of VIM’s potential but desire to learn the true magic?

Then head over to this popular session and grab a seat, because you don’t want to be left standing when everyone else shows up to see what VIM has in store for PHP developers. Plus, it’ll help that hair grow back.

Andrei’s Regex Clinic

Regular Expressions: every developer’s best friend and worst nightmare!

Join Andrei Zmievski, PHP developer and author of the PHP Regex (PCRE) extension, on a journey that will take you from your first steps into the world of regular expressions to complete mastery of this most useful of tools.

A must for everyone who’s ever wondered what /(?\d+)bar/ means.


Mid-conference Keynote: The Future of PHP 6

After a brief hiatus, PHP 6 has picked up momentum and is on track for a release. Join Andrei as he covers the salient changes, updates, and new features of the next generation of our favorite language and how they can be useful in your everyday development.

International PHP Conference

intl me this, intl me that

What are the problems with and best solutions to translating your web site or application into other languages? This session will cover several approaches to this problem based on PHP, focusing on utilizing the new intl extension as well as other open source tools. Warning: some live translations may be performed for the audience!

All the Little Pieces: Distributed systems with PHP

Quick, what do memcache, MogileFS, and Gearman have in common? They are scalable, distributed technologies, and they can also interface with PHP, your ubiquitous Web development language. Digg uses all 3 (and a few more) in its quest for social news domination, and this session will share much of what we’ve learned about them and how they are best utilized with PHP.

The Present and Future of PHP

This keynote will explore the innovations coming with the next generation of PHP, the roadmap to development and delivery, and what you can do to be prepared when the big day comes.

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